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England RWC win promises pint ‘n’ pound windfall

If the England ruby team win this Saturday’s World Cup final it could lead to as many as 1 million extra pints sold and with it a hefty financial boost for the pub industry and taxman.

England play South Africa at 9am (UK time) this Saturday in the final of the World Cup in Japan’s capital Tokyo.

Now hotly tipped after their comprehensive dismantling of the mighty New Zealand last weekend, an England win could lead to as many as one million extra pints being poured the British Beer & Pub Association has estimated.

The number of extra pints could provide the English pub industry with as much as a £3.8 million boost and provide the Treasury with a £1.2m windfall.

In addition to celebratory (or sorrowful) pints, a number of pubs are opening early to offer breakfast and brunches (with tea and coffee) which will provide a further fillip to revenues.

Andrew Tighe, policy director at the BBPA, commented: “There’s no better place to enjoy live sport on the TV than at the great British pub, so England playing in the Rugby World Cup final is a great opportunity for publicans.

“With the early kick-off of 9am, pubs will be looking to make the most of their increasingly broad offer, laying on breakfasts and coffees to get England fans through the door.

“If England do win the Rugby World Cup, we expect many fans to stay in their local for the afternoon and evening to celebrate, boosting beer sales by up to one million pints.”

Although they missed out in a tight game against now-finalists South Africa, Wales are also playing this Saturday against former champs New Zealand for third place which will no doubt also be keenly watched in pubs throughout the country.

Successful sporting runs by teams in big tournaments have led to several pint and pound bonanzas for the industry and treasury in recent months.

The England men’s football team’s run to the semi-finals at last summer’s FIFA World Cup (along with the incredible summer) pushed beer sales to a 45 year high while the England women making it to the final of their World Cup this summer boosted beer sales by an estimated 3m pints.

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