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Study suggests you are ‘drunk’ when in love

The effects of the “love hormone” oxytocin bear striking similarities to those of alcohol, a study has claimed, suggesting that Beyoncé really did know what she was talking about.

Beyonce in her Drunk in Love video

Research, publishedtoday by the University of Birmingham in Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews, suggests that a person’s behaviour when drunk is similar to that of a person in love, thanks to the so-called “love-hormone” oxytocin..

Oxytocin is a brain chemical produced in the hypothalamus which plays a key role in determining social interactions and reactions to romantic partners. However researchers warned that its playful nickname hides its “darker side”, claiming that it bears more similarities with the effects of alcohol than previously thought.

Researchers said the chemical increases behaviours such as altruism, generosity and empathy, makes us more willing to trust others and helps to remove social inhibitors such as fear, anxiety and stress.

Dr Ian Mitchell, from the School of Psychology at the University of Birmingham, explained: “We thought it was an area worth exploring, so we pooled existing research into the effects of both oxytocin and alcohol and were struck by the incredible similarities between the two compounds.”

A dose of either alcohol or oxytocin was also found to influence how we deal with others by enhancing our perception of trustworthiness, which would further increase the danger of taking unnecessary risks.

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Dr Mitchell added that taking compounds such as oxytocin or alcohol can make stressful situation seem less daunting with oxytocin appearing to mirror the effects of alcohol consumption when administered nasally. However the researchers warned against self-medicating with either the hormone or a swift drink to provide confidence.

Dr Gillespie added: “I don’t think we’ll see a time when oxytocin is used socially as an alternative to alcohol. But it is a fascinating neurochemical and, away from matters of the heart, has a possible use in treatment of psychological and psychiatric conditions.

“Understanding exactly how it suppresses certain modes of action and alters our behaviour could provide real benefits for a lot of people. Hopefully this research might shed some new light on it and open up avenues we hadn’t yet considered.”

8 responses to “Study suggests you are ‘drunk’ when in love”

  1. N says:

    Except that Oxycontin is a pharmaceutical, not a hormone. Oxytocin is the hormone. Does no one fact check anymore?

    1. Molly says:

      No where in this article does it mention Oxycontin. It only mentions Oxytocin which is similar to Ocycontin but not the same.

  2. Mike says:

    Half of this article refers to Oxycontin which is an opiate while the other half (presumably cut and pasted) correctly refers to Oxytocin.

  3. John Sears says:

    OxyContin is wrong – Oxytocin is correct.

  4. anonymous says:

    Hi you have oxycontin (a strong opioid pain killer listed as the name of the love hormone oxytocin. that is messed up

  5. Orchid64 says:

    “The effects of the “love hormone” oxycontin bear striking similarities to those of alcohol…” Oxycontin is a prescription drug, not a hormone. :-p

  6. Dennis says:

    Seriously. If you’re going to write an article about OXYTOCIN, you should make sure your headline isn’t labeled OXYCONTIN. Get your head out of your pill bottle.

  7. Lynn says:

    Either way people in love make irrational (stupid) decisions We all know that!

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