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Prosecco producer Bortolomiol releases its first red wine

Prosecco producer Bortolomiol has now released its first vintage of red wine named “Segreto di Giuliano” (Giuliano’s secret), produced in its vineyard bordering the Brunello di Montalcino DOCG.

Photo: Segreto di Giuliano bottle

The winery, now run by sisters Maria Elena, Elvira, Luisa and Giuliana, have created this wine as a homage to their father Giuliano Bortolomiol, a pioneer in the world of Prosecco, who had always wanted to produce red wine as part of the winery’s portfolio.

Elvira Bortolomiol, vice president of Bortolomiol, said: “A few years ago my sisters and I found some of our father’s notebooks, the writings included some recollections of Tuscany where we always spent our summer holidays.

“Among the notes on the big reds of these lands was also the dream of one day being able to add a red grape label to the collection.”

The 2016 vintage was developed by winemaker Roberto Cipresso who describes the wine as “a Sangiovese endowed with freshness and possessing an unmistakable balsamic note which is accompanied by aromas of tobacco and refined sweet spices.”

“Everything is rounded off with a harmony and balance that makes it a wine worthy of the man who inspired it.”

The first vintage of Segreto di Giuliano is limited, with only 2,675 bottles being produced.

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