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SWA launches ‘Support Scotch’ manifesto

The Scotch Whisky Association has called on politicians to #SupportScotch in its general election manifesto, which sets out a six-point wish list for the industry.

The organisation points out that with the Scotch whisky industry adding almost £5 billion a year to the economy and generating more than £4 billion in exports, it must not be “taken for granted” and needs continued backing.

It has called on a review of the excise duty system, and the “urgent” introduction of a fairer tax system for Scotch, arguing that the current tax of nearly 80% is “punitive”.

“There is an urgent need for reform to introduce a fairer system that taxes all alcoholic drinks on the same basis according to alcohol content,” it said.

It has also demanded support in its overseas ambition, pointing out that it accounts for around a fifth of total food and drink exports and its success would be “a litmus test” for the success of Brexit.

Within a domestic setting, it is calling for the promotion of a competitive business environment for distillers by adopting a ‘rural first’ policy for digital infrastructure upgrades to “address the historic infrastructure gap”. Furthermore, regulation reform on sustainability would help encourage greater sustainability.

There should also be a ‘sector deal’ through the UK industrial strategy for the Scotch industry, and greater support for tackling alcohol misuse through a multi-stakeholder partnerships, based on robust evidence.

The SWA’s acting chief executive Julie Hesketh-Laird said all political parties needed to show their support for Scotch Whisky, due to its position as a “strategically important industry for our economy”.

“The continued success of the Scotch Whisky industry must not be taken for granted,” she said. “With ongoing Brexit uncertainty, the Scotch Whisky industry needs government action that matches its warm words and that enables the industry to grasp the challenges and opportunities which lies ahead. Support at home is needed to underpin and maintain our position as the world’s leading spirit drink.”

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