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Top 10 alternative uses for cheap vodka

Do you have a dubious bottle of old vodka destined to never see the light of day? Then you’ll appreciate our top 10 tips to putting cheap vodka to work, in ways you couldn’t imagine.

Cheap vodka need no longer be the useless bottle at the back of the cupboard. With our handy tips, you’ll see that with a bit of ingenuity you could save a small fortune by using it in replacement of pricier products all around the home.

Wether you’re cleaning, cooking, washing, deodorising or decorating – your bottle of cheap twonk has what it takes to win back your favour and become your personal knight in shining armour.

Scroll through to see our top tips for putting that unloved bottle of vodka to work… 

1. ‘When I’m cleaning windows’

This kid has it all wrong. What he needs is a vodka dilution in his spray bottle – removing the need for streak-causing soap – leaving glistening, crystal clear glass. Squeegees or expensive chamois cloths are also things of the past, as using paper towels or even newspaper to wipe the glass will do the job perfectly.

2. Begone, foul odours

When you’re done spraying your windows (which won’t take long), sort out those training shoes. Yes, the ones under the bed, wrapped in many, many plastic bags. Spritz your vodka solution into them, leave to dry, and they’ll be new-shoe fresh in no time. It may even encourage you to get back in the gym. Hurray for vodka!

3. Vodka; germs’ worst enemy

Tools needed: Soap dispenser (with a bit of soap left); Some water; Your trusty vodka; A pair of hands (filthy). Combine, shake, and you will have a foamy, fresh disinfectant that will kill germs as good as any branded sterilising soap. It’ll last much longer too.

 4. Lather-up

Even your hair can get the star vodka treatment. Perfect for a dry scalp or dandruff, a vodka rinse consisting of a strained cup of vodka that has had some potent herbs like rosemary or lavender sat in it for a few days will wash away your flakes or shampoo build-up in a flash.

5. King of crusts

Next time you want a flaky, golden pie crust, don’t even think about putting water in your dough. Ice-cold vodka will make your dough more malleable when kneading and rolling, and will evaporate quickly during baking, leaving a lighter crust for your delectation.

6. Delay your dry-clean 

Remember that vodka dilution in the spray bottle? It has yet another use – as a way to postpone taking your posh garments to the dry-cleaners. Spray down your suits and dresses and it’ll keep them fresh and odour-free for longer. Unfortunately, stains will still need to be dealt with by the pros. Vodka’s good, but not that good.

7. Have a sip. You deserve it. 

Revive your vodka to the glory it deserves by passing it through a filter jug a few times, as the charcoal filter will remove its unpleasant taste. Just remember to pour it back into the bottle, as it could be a bit of a surprise to anyone looking for a nice rehydrating glass of water. Or don’t, if you happen to have a bit of a mischievous streak.

8. Flower power

Want to give your house that summer feeling for longer? Just add a teaspoon of vodka and sugar to your flowers’ water. The vodka will kill the germs in the water and the sugar will give them some added nutrition, keeping them prim and pert for days after you bought them from the petrol station forecourt.

9. Re-useable ice pack

Strained yourself in your quest for vodka-fuelled domestic bliss? Just combine vodka and water half-and-half and freeze in a sealable freezer bag for a slushy ice-pack to nurse yourself back to fighting fitness.

10. Enthuse to infuse

If the filtered vodka isn’t tickling your fancy, then just remember that vodka mops up flavours like no other. Infuse your vodka with any flavour that springs to mind. Go mad. Want something sweet for a cocktail concoction? Stick some fruit in your jar of voddy. Maybe something to add to your compulsory Sunday bloody marys? Add some bacon. Why not?

One response to “Top 10 alternative uses for cheap vodka”

  1. I am working on a project I call “Steampunking an iPhone”.
    I am using a smallish (large tabletop but not a toy) steam engine hooked to a dynamo to charge an iPhone and iPad.
    The boil for the steam engine is fueled by cheap vodka and cheap whisky.
    While certainly on of the more baroque ways of using up bad tipple it keeps us amused…

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