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Muscadet in pictures

The rather spectacular Radisson in Nantes. Its former role as the Palais de Justice and the proximity of the old gendarmerie and prison was no reflection on the characters of those invited on the trip…we were assured.

Le ciel est bleu, le soleil brille”, vineyards in Sèvre & Maine’s Goulaine basked in the sunshine.

As did those in Le Pallet. A long winter and cold spring has set the vines’ growing season back by a couple of weeks.

The all important buds, although summer may finally be under way they are still vulnerable to any cold snaps that may come along. After a high quality but small volume 2012 vintage, producers in Muscadet need a healthy-sized crop this year.

Marie Luneau of Domaine Luneau-Papin shows Chris Kissack the underground cuve the producers use to age their wines sur lie

…which are usually glass-lined or occasionally ceramic. That is of course…

…if they’re not ageing them in barrel. Some producers are experimenting with barrel fermentation and ageing in both old and new oak.

Bâtonnage is also in use. Here at Domaine Guilbaud Frères the dates of the monthly lees stirring are chalked up.

The region’s biodynamic pioneer, Guy Bossard, serves up his Domaine de l’Ecu.

Looking very serious, (l-r) Richard Hemming of Purple Pages, Ysaline Godet of Sopexa (looking less serious), Sally Easton MW and Cook Sister blogger Jeanne-Marie Horak-Druiff get stuck into a thorough tasting of Muscadets at the Maison des Vins de Nantes.

Much of the talk during the visit was about terroir and the gradual implementation of a cru system in Muscadet. Although it will not be part of the future Cru Goulaine, Luneau-Papin was keen to show off the serpentine soils at its La Butte de la Roche site – here being ably hand-modelled by “Wine Doctor” Chris Kissack.

(l-r) Sally Easton, Marie Luneau, Mathias Chini-Germain of Inter Loire, Ysaline Godet, Richard Hemming and Jeanne Horak-Druiff survey the scene from La Butte…

…which offered views northwards towards Nantes (barely visible in the distance) as well as panoramic views over Sèvre & Maine.

Meanwhile, Andrew Catchpole went in search of terroir…

…and Richard Hemming checked on the vines’ progress.

On the final day, Sally Easton MW got the lowdown on Château Thébaud from Jean-Michel Poiron at Domaine Poiron-Dabin.

Pierre-Yves Lusseaud of the Vignerons du Pallet, a collective of nine growers in the cru of Le Pallet.

…and finally, this rather bucolic-looking doorway caught our eye in Le Pallet.

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