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Awards seek to recognise wine bloggers

Wine bloggers who are not associated with any particular publication will no longer fall under the awards radar following the launch of the Born Digital Wine Awards.

Seeking to recognise independently-published online articles, categories include Best Investigative Wine Writing, Best Wine Tourism Feature, Best Wine-Themed Video and Best Winery Self-Produced Content. The winner of each category stands to win a €1,000 prize.

Judges include db editor Patrick Schmitt, Robert Joseph, Jancis Robinson MW, Elin McCoy and Evan Schnittman.

The launch of the awards follows the recent European Wine Bloggers Conference (EWBC) 2010, which saw over 200 bloggers from around the world gather in Vienna to discuss everything from social media tools to ethics as they sought to map out the future for wine communication, criticism and commerce.

Co-organiser Ryan Opaz said: “Our goal at EWBC is not just to talk about wine, but to talk about the tools you can use to talk about wine."

You can read a full report from the conference in December’s edition of the drinks business.

For more details on the Born Digital Wine Awards, visit

Alan Lodge, 22.12.2010

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