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Canpack demonstrates the potential of limited-edition packaging

How can limited edition packaging cut through in a crowded market? CANPACK has created two seasonal case studies to illustrate its potential.

Since Microsoft’s headline-grabbing 2015 research estimated human attention span as eight seconds, the marketing world has woken up to the need to grab attention immediately. Even when consumers take more time, the multitude of brands and marketing channels makes cutting through the noise difficult. CANPACK knows this better than most. As a leading packaging manufacturer, they have helped many brands appeal to new consumers, through both regular and limited edition packaging.

Most brands are now sensitive to the impact of design and packaging on the bottom line. Particularly in the canned drinks sector, exciting designs and sophisticated packaging have become the norm. The option of special and limited editions can push brand exposure to the next level.

For Stephen McAneny, chief commercial officer at CANPACK, themed packaging builds “a sense of community between brands and consumers.” Both for new and returning consumers, it expands and enriches the relationship with a brand.

On the simplest level, he sees a limited edition release as a means of grabbing attention while maintaining a clear identity. Unlike a full rebrand, these special releases allow a refreshed design without sacrificing brand equity. They can complement an existing design, offering a new and exciting spin, while still ensuring the product is well recognised.

CANPACK is also keen to push personalisation as a strategy. The old adage ‘divide and conquer’ may be harsh, but allowing consumers to select from a number of options makes them part of the ‘tribe’ they have chosen. If a producer mixes designs within a production run, that decision can take place at the shelf. Before any purchase, the consumer is already actively engaged with the brand.

Limited edition packaging ties a brand to experiences. These might be universal, such as New Year’s Eve, or as specific as a single event. In either case, the positive experience of the moment becomes bound with the experience of the brand. Through bespoke packaging, the two are tied to each other, and the brand can capitalise on the emotional connection.

To illustrate the power of limited edition packaging, CANPACK has devised two case studies. These seasonal designs are the perfect illustration of the artwork and special effects that will drive consumer interest.

Feel Merry: Christmas Limited Edition Cans

These Christmas cans make use of DUOMIX, the CANPACK printing technology that enables two different designs of the same colour set to be printed and mixed in one production run. Special edition designs like this can complement each other or even, as here, combine to make a full image. The whole is a subtle incentive to buy more than one.

The MATT varnish applied on the can body gives a smooth and premium surface feel. Additionally, individual gold elements of the design such as baubles and presents are enhanced with the TACTILE varnish, a more textural finish. The combination of both offers a more sensory, memorable experience.

Even beyond these details there is scope for premiumisation. ENGRAVED ENDS add an image to complement the can body, while PUNCHED TABS are a fun option to add a custom shape to the tab.

Feel Festive: New Year Limited Edition Cans

This design uses the full arsenal of CANPACK special effects for a design that is fun, experiential and personalised. The SATIN varnish gives a glittery quality and grainy feel, while the glowing inks are perfect for night-time celebrations as the clock approaches midnight. The ‘2024’ detail on the ENGRAVED TAB, not immediately obvious at a glance, is a surprising touch that makes the release specific to the year and tied to its memories.

The can then adds a personalisation element. CANPACK MULTIPRINT technology allows up to 24 different elements in one production run. In this case, New Year wishes appear in different languages. The versions highlight the event as global, but allow consumers to pick a design that connects with them.

Click here to find out more how you can unleash the potential of your packaging with CANPACK.

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