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Australian man drinks beer calmly during storm

A man sitting calmly drinking a beer while a wild, sandy storm ravages the streets around him has gone viral on social media platform TikTok .

The video posted by vzmith shows a man at the Rec Hotel bar in the city of Kalgoorlie in Western Australia, calmly sitting on a stool by a barrel, while tree branches are ripped from their trunks and seats are blown over.

@vzmith Aint no 125kmh winds stopping this trooper from enjoying a frothy and a durry #kalgoorlie #boulder #trueblue #fairdinkum #frothies #knockoff #australia ♬ Fortunate Son – Creedence Clearwater Revival

The video has the additional comment by the user of “Aint no 125kmh winds stopping this trooper from enjoying a frothy and a durry #fairdinkum” and  has been viewed 715,000 times and with 85,000 likes.

One user commented on the video that “He’s the bloke that would go ‘abit windy aye’”.

Another said: ‘Man has absolutely seen worse. This? Just a bit of a gale!’

And another user said, “He wanted some fresh air” while one confirmed it was a “Bit of a breeze. No worries.”

The storm in which he calmly drank the beer caused havoc across Perth and Western Australia last week. Millions of dollars of damage was incurred as some described it as a ‘little tornado’, which took off roofs and resulted in damage to property across the region.

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