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Q&A: Trivento CEO Marcos Jofré

In an exclusive interview, the drinks business catches up with Trivento CEO Marcos Jofré to discover more about his journey to the top, the success of white Malbec and how gastronomic enthusiasm and wine create the perfect union.

db: We have just met. What will you pour us to drink while we chat and why?
Jofré: “I would like to share with you a beautiful Golden Reserve Malbec. It’s my personal favorite, and my father’s favorite too. It reminds me of the lands and farmhouses of Lujan de Cuyo. Golden Reserve Malbec was Trivento’s first high-end wine to be produced with grapes selected from vineyards in Luján de Cuyo, back in the early 2000s. It shows the evolution of Argentine viticulture over the last 25 years. The wine brings together four terroirs of Lujan de Cuyo – Vistalba, Las Compuertas, Perdriel and Agrelo – each one providing components that come together in a blend of red fruit and soft tannins. The 2020 vintage has been awarded as the best Argentine red wine in the world by IWC.”

db: Tell us a little about your background and how it has led you to where you are today.
Jofré: “I graduated as an Engineer; I worked in different industries, outside of Mendoza. Later, I started getting into the Wine Sector and eventually in 2011, I joined Trivento, working in Sustainability and then as the operations manager. In 2019, just as the Covid pandemic was hitting the whole world, I started working as the CEO of Trivento. Those were hard and challenging times. Now, looking back, I can see all the dots connecting: My work as an engineer, my work in sustainability, my MBA… Everything that has taken me to the place I am today… Which I really adore.”

db: What is the thing you most want people to know and understand about Trivento?
Jofré: “Trivento is a very young winery… And in only 26 years, it has become the best SKU selling brand in the UK and the second top selling brand, in terms of value, in the USA. Twenty-six (26) years is not a lot of time to achieve such great success. I believe that Trivento is all about its people. We share common values that strength our relationships as partners and makes us choose to stay in Trivento. We have a great work-life balance. People are truly important for us… and we are important for our people.”

db: What do you love about the portfolio?
Jofré: “What I love most about our portfolio is that it tells you all about Mendoza. It takes you on a journey to discover each place where our wine is grown and produced. Each wine portrays the very different terroirs of our winelands. Trivento is an expert on Malbec, but we have amazing Cabernet Sauvignon, Cab Franc, Chardonnay and many other varieties… and we are excited to show these in the European market and all around the world.”

db: What would you improve or change, given the opportunity?
Jofré: “I wish we had started with innovation a long time ago. The success of White Malbec has shown me that people want new things from wine. They want to discover new products and have new experiences.”

db: What influences your journey in wine? Tell us about your role models and the things that inspire you.
Jofré: “Eduardo Guilisasti, Concha y Toro’s CEO, is a figure of inspiration for me, because of how much Concha y Toro has grown with him. He has a groundbreaking vision of the wine industry, which is ahead of times. I admire a lot of people in Mendoza, many local entrepreneurs, farmers and winemakers and also people from Trivento who have made Malbec become the signature brand of Mendoza, despite our distance from the most important world markets and despite all the historical economic crisis that have hit our country. We are a country of resilient, hardworking people. I admire all the people who have brought Malbec to the place it occupies today.”

db: How would you like Trivento to be perceived from different parts of the world?
Jofré: “I would like Trivento to be perceived as the most valued Argentine wine brand, and as an icon of the diversity of Mendoza’s terroir. I would like people to perceive how genuine the wine is in expressing the different lands of Mendoza. I
believe that this is the true purpose of Trivento: showing the essence of Mendoza’s land, its culture and its people.”

db: Tell us some exciting news or any recent wins of which you are most proud.
Jofré: “The success of White Malbec! We launched it in 2019 and since then we have created a totally new category within Malbec wine. Today we are sold out everywhere. It is interesting to see how people respond to White Malbec, as it happens with disruptive and innovative ideas; White Malbec creates great expectations around consumers. On the other hand, International Wine Challenge chose the 2020 vintage of my favorite Malbec, Trivento Golden Reseve, as the best Argentine red wine in the world.”

db: After a long day, what is your wine of choice and why?
Jofré: “It depends on the time of the year. In spring, I choose whites… and I enjoy them outdoors, sitting in the garden watching my kids and my dog play. I love cooking. When I’m cooking, I choose reds. I love Cab Franc, and Malbec of course… And in winter, in cold short days, I really enjoy a good red wine I am very curious about wine. I love exploring new wine varieties, wines from different areas, different wineries and countries.”

db: Do you have any hobbies, besides wine? Tell us, especially if they influence your day-to-day role.
Jofré: “I really like cooking. I like following recipes. I like to improvise new ways of cooking, and to cook dishes from different parts of the world. I love discovering wines from other parts of the world and pairing them with great dishes. I also love plants and gardening. I really like working outdoors. This is my way to vent out. However, I am always thinking about what blows my mind about a new wine. It’s impossible to separate wine tasting from work.”

db: Where do you want things to be in 10 years time?
Jofré: “10 years is a lot of time, especially in Argentina. In 10 years’ time, I will be 55…All jokes aside, I personally imagine Trivento working on new wines, on new projects, on fresh ideas, discovering new markets and new consumers. I want Trivento to provide clients with new consumer opportunities, to discover the beauties of our terroir, and to provide great wine experiences, both for the new wine enthusiasts, as well as for the old-time wine lovers. We are working to make Trivento a zero-waste winery by 2030, and a neutral-carbon winery by 2050, so I’m positive that in ten years we will be a relevant contributor for society and for the planet.”

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