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NFL player faces huge bar bill after beer promise

A player in the National Football League (NFL) has promised “beer for everyone” if his team wins the Super Bowl – an oath that could cost him millions.

Lane Johnson, a right tackle with the Philadelphia Eagles, recently told local press: “I have a lot to prove to this city. I think if we have a few big years and make the playoffs if we win a Super Bowl, I’m giving out beer to everybody.”

Johnson was suspended for 10 games last season after he was found to have violated the league’s policy on performance enhancing drugs. The Eagles, who started the season strongly, then slumped to a losing record following the veteran’s suspension and ended the season 7-9 and bottom of their division.

Crucially, readers will note, Johnson was rather vague on the details of his promised beery largesse to the city and people of Philadelphia.

There was also no guarantee that the Eagles would be winning the Super Bowl at the end of this coming season – Johnson expressed a wish to simply make the playoffs this winter at the very least.

The team play in the increasingly tough NFC East, home to the Dallas Cowboys, New York Giants and Washington Redskins.

Despite being one the oldest teams in the league, founded in 1933, the Eagles have never won a Super Bowl and their last playoff appearance was in 2013.

Should the Eagles rise up however and win a coveted Lombardi Trophy then Johnson may want to start saving up because ESPN has calculated that if he bought a beer for every man and woman of drinking age in the city at $3 a pop, he’d run up a tab of some $3 million.

One response to “NFL player faces huge bar bill after beer promise”

  1. Only $3 million? We all know some producer or distributor will gladly pony up at least a portion of the necessary product if only for the publicity.

    Plus, it’s not likely to happen this year, so he (and the distributors) is safe.

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