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Beer spa opens in Iceland

A new spa in Iceland is offering the health conscious and beer obsessed the chance to take relaxing baths in warm suds.

The outside hot tubs (which are not filled with beer.) Photo credit: Magnetic North

The Bjórböðin beer spa and restaurant opened in June this year and offers visitors the opportunity to immerse themselves, quite literally, in beer.

The spa has a 75-cover restaurant, which naturally serves beer, but the main attractions are the seven bath tubs made from Kambala wood in which two people at a time can soak in yeasty bliss.

The spa explains: “Beer yeast is used in various ways, the most common, is a tablet form where the effects of the yeast are very benefitting.

“Beer bath, where you bathe in both young beer and live beer yeast, without showering it off until some hours later, has an extremely powerful effect on the body and skin. This treatment is both cleansing for the skin and has a very positive effect on health.”

Bathers are advised not to drink their bath beer however, as that amount of live yeast isn’t good if you ingest it, but each bath is within handy reach of a tap where one can pour potable beer instead.

The spa also boasts traditional hot tubs filled with water that are positioned outside, boasting exceptional views of Hrísy island and the Þorvalds valley – all of which can be enjoyed with a beer to hand of course.

Prices for a single bath start at 6,900 kroner (£50).

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