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Campari unveils latest art labels

Campari has released its latest ‘Art Labels’, which this year have taken the Negroni cocktail as their theme.

First launched in 2010 to celebrate the aperitif brand’s 150th anniversary, the three designs for this year’s edition celebrate the cocktail to which Campari is most closely linked – the Negroni.

In a nod to the cocktail’s creation by count Camillo Negroni in 1919, the labels feature Art Deco/Constructivist inspired designs.

Even though it is now approaching its centenary, the Negroni has enjoyed a new lease of life in recent years, booming in popularity around the world.

Campari said in a statement: “Just as there is no Negroni without Campari, there is also no Negroni without the passion and creativity of the world’s bartenders, whose creativity has fuelled hundreds of twists and reinterpretations of this iconic classic, each complementing Campari’s uniqueness and this year, contributing to the Contemporary Classics Compendium – a recipe collection consisting of reinterpretations of the Negroni and other Campari classics, created by bartenders from over 41 countries.”

The limited edition bottles will be available from Waitrose, Sainsbury’s and Tesco from 1 October 2016.

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