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Star Wars-themed bar opens in Manchester

A Star Wars convention in Manchester will include a pop-up bar inspired by locations from the film series that aims to transport fans to a galaxy far far away.

The Star-Wars themed Cantina bar. Photo credit: Gary Louth

As reported by the Manchester Evening News, the bar at an exhibition centre in Trafford Park forms part of the For The Love Of The Force convention.

Named the Cantina bar, the space will serve blue “bantha milk” cocktails, which Luke Skywalker first drinks in Star Wars Episode IV.

In the films blue milk could be found on most planets across the galaxy and was known for being rich, refreshing and sweet. The Cantina cocktail is made with Irish Meadow Country Cream, Red Square Vodka and a dash of blue food colouring.

Other cocktails on pour will be Wookie Juice, featuring Red Square Sloe Vodka, lemon juice and sugar syrup; a Princess Punch made with vodka, elderflower cordial, lemon juice and soda; and Jam Jar Binks, which blends Red Square Toffee Vodka with apple schnapps and lemon juice.

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The bar features an Ewok village, Yoda’s Dagobah swamp and Jabba The Hutt’s palace complete with an eight-foot model of the slug-like creature.

Before the convention kicks off in December, the bar, which boasts a full size replica of the X-wing Starfighter, will host a series of events to whet attendees appetites.

Manager of the convention Andy Kleek hopes the cocktail bar will become a permanent fixture if it proves a success. For The Love Of The Force takes place at the Manchester Bowler’s Exhibition Centre on December 4-6.

30 responses to “Star Wars-themed bar opens in Manchester”

  1. Andrewhobson says:


  2. melissa pollock says:

    Hi how do we book to come here and how do u apply for the convention
    Many thanks

  3. stu harris says:

    Its my 40th birthday on the 24th of November. Looking for a good venue on the Saturday 28th november. For approx 10 people. Any good deals and vip that can be made possible please

  4. Have booked 2 adult and 2 children tickets for convention but would love to hear about events before this?
    Many thanks

  5. Jade lee says:

    Is the star wars bar in Manchester going to be open to the public ? If so, when , where, times and cost? Thankyou

  6. Neil says:

    Can you send me the postcode of the location please?


  7. P says:

    So this is essentially a red square vodka event?? What a load of shite

  8. Janie says:

    Where exactly will this be!? More info please!!!!

  9. Lee Cooper says:

    We don’t get back to the UK until 7 December! I really hope this continues, despite it being in Manchester 😉

  10. Gary leeming says:

    Were do I get tickets for the convention

  11. Danny arthur says:

    Just question about the Star Wars bar. My friend from America is coming to England on the 18th of December and she is crazy about Star Wars. Is the bar going to be open through December?

  12. I was wondering if this was Manchester new hampshire

  13. Michelle coughlin says:

    Manchester n.h. ?

  14. rae Serrano says:

    Love this theme. I can’t wait to visit the bar and have a couple of drinks. Really hits home for me and what I loved as a child.

  15. Diane says:

    What’s address and phone number for the bar? Will Lightsabers be aloud?

  16. Karyn Ratte says:

    Is this legit? When & where does it open? Sounds amazing!!!

  17. Oscar Markham says:

    Hi there’
    Just wondering how I’d go about booking a space here for two people and prices, thanks.
    Oscar Markham

  18. Jon depaptiste says:

    All bars in Manchester look like the scene from Star Wars so what’s new ?????

  19. Carol says:

    Do you have to book a place? Or just turn up? And how long do it expect the bar to be open? x

  20. rebecca says:

    Are you opening to the public at any time for even half hour spot

  21. Keith arthur says:

    Is this where the after party is been held, as I have a ticket.

  22. Dorothy Bracewell says:

    Are you taking bookings for this.

  23. lydia says:

    Ok, dipsticks, Which Manchester??? Manchester, CT? Manchester, MA? Manchester, England??? You guys forgot to put ALL OF THE INFORMATION INTO THE ARTICLE…

    1. Yoda says:

      Read the article… As reported by the manchester evening news …
      Bit of a giveaway to which manchester…

      1. sam says:

        So only one manchester could possibly have a news outlet called the “manchester evening news”? that’s a large jump to a conclusion.

        1. Piet says:

          There was only ever one original Manchester… The fact that colonials took the name and stuck it on a shed at a crossroads does not make them Manchester.

  24. Of course, it’s the BRITS!!!

  25. Chris says:

    So it’s a British magazine, the event is in Trafford Park, and all the cocktails feature Red Square, a vodka manufactured in Warrington, about half an hour outside Manchester. Plus there is only one major world city going by the name of Manchester.

    I too wonder which Manchester it’s in?

  26. Amanda says:

    Considering it’s a UK based website it doesn’t take much to figure out which Manchester it is…it doesn’t need to specify.

  27. Karen brooks says:

    How do we buy tickets

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