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What if Facebook made beer?

Can you imagine what beers produced by some of the world’s biggest tech and fashion brands would look like? One design agency decided to give it a go.

All images courtesy of Printsome

Printsome, a UK-based printing and graphic design firm, came up with the idea of creating brews inspired by the giant brands that dominate the modern business world – from Facebook to Apple and even Tinder.

Complete with labels, logos and nifty taglines, the following creations are the result of a team-building night out for the Printsome team, where the beers, they are happy to admit, weren’t lacking.

And it seems the alcohol worked perfectly to spark up their creative zeal, as we’re sure you’ll agree when you scroll through the following designs…

Arsenal: Go Drunkers!

Where better to start than the place so typical of the British beer fan: football? With a tagline playing on Arsenal’s nickname, “the Gunners,” the team behind the design imagine this brew as a brown ale with an above-average alcohol level. It’s a beer with passion and history – much like their favourite team, they say.

Nike: Just Drink It.

Sticking with sport, Nike’s famous tick and its pared down, three-word tagline are utilised to great effect in this design. Its creators imagine a lower alcohol, lower calorie brew here, but with a hint of Taurine for that energy-drink kick.

Apple: Drink Differently

Of course, if it’s from Apple, it has to have an “i” in the name. So here it is: the sleek, steely iBeer, that no doubt can somehow connect to your phone or tablet to perform some kind of wifi wizardry. Imagined as having the essence of pure apple in its premium list of organic ingredients, the creators pooh-pooh the idea that this could therefore be considered as a simple cider. Being from the pristine hands of Apple, it’s something different, something new; a clean, crisp and conceptually sharp apple-flavoured brew.

Tinder: Your Perfect Match

The app that keeps on giving has created a beer that promises to do the same – at least in the minds of Printsome. Tinder, the dating app that it seems urbanites can’t remember living without, would hope to create the same levels of attachment through a brew that aims to be a perfect match for everyone. In terms of ingredients, think strong hints of Tequila to loosen your inhibitions, and natural aphrodisiacs to, well, need I say more?

Spotify: The party beer

The Stoutify, from music streaming service Spotify, is designed for good times, good music, and bad dancing. Crafted to pair well with embarrassing playlists that everyone can sing along to.

Facebook: A beer to connect everyone

And finally, the daddy of them all: the Facebrew, a beer that will turn brief acquaintances into best friends (or at least inspire them to watch each other from afar to see “what they’re up to these days”). A blonde beer with a pleasant bittersweet flavour, everyone should like this one.

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