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ProWein announces attractions for 2015

ProWein 2015 will feature 300 tastings and lectures on regions, grape varieties, trends and themes, “offering unique added value” to the show according to organisers.

Some 5,800 exhibitors from 50 countries will be present at the show, each delivering events, seminars and tastings either at their stands or at the ProWein Forum centrally located in Hall 13. “The variety of the in total 300 events is unparalleled”, claims ProWein.

The programme also includes guided tours through the wine worlds of the numerous exhibitor nations – also for such countries as Israel or Canada. Presented by ProWein China, Chinese oenologist Professor Li Demei will be informing the audience about wine in China and presenting both background information on the wine market and also wines from Chinese producers.

The topic of a seminar held by the Association of German Prädikat Wine Estates (Verband Deutscher Prädikatsweingüter – VDP) will be the history of German wine culture. The IVDP (Instituto dos Vinhos do Douro e Porto) will be extending an invitation to a tasting session of Port spanning 40 years, while P&F Wineries will be organising an archive tasting featuring various white wines.

New this year is the blending seminar from L’Ecole du Vin de Bordeaux where participants can create their own Bordeaux, while another innovative project is presented by new exhibitor Weingut Merkle that uses wild yeast from its own vineyards for wine fermentation.

Current trends from bio-dynamic wine cultivation in Germany are presented by Demeter, while the British market research institute Wine Intelligence will be shedding light on global consumer trends in the wine sector.

“German wine royalty” is also being promised in the form of “Baden’s wine queen”, who will invite guests to a tasting of summer wines and cocktail recipes.

For the first time, the Institute Masters of Wine will be extending invitations to a tasting event on Sunday evening (15 March) at CCD.Ost, to be held after the trade fair closes its doors. Under the heading “Masters of Winemaking” vintners bearing the Master of Wine title will be showcasing their choice wines. Participation to this event is only possible with prior registration at the Institute Masters of Wine,

There are several other events where organisers demand registration already ahead of the trade fair. Relevant contact details and all details on the over 300 events can be found in the Event Programme at

Targeted Search for New Business Partners

In addition to the event database, Messe Düsseldorf has activated an additional aid for preparing a visit to the fair.

Additional criteria requested from exhibitors for the first time now makes it possible for trade visitors from the retail and restaurant sphere to perform targeted searches for new business partners through the Extended Exhibitor Search on the ProWein Website, enabling them to make contact already before the event. Go to for more.

ProWein will take place from 15 to 17 March from 9.00 am to 6.00 pm daily. This year the trade fair will be moving within the Düsseldorf Exhibition Centre from Halls 1 to 7.1 to Halls 9 to 17.

Details on the new hall layout, the new Ost and Süd II entrances as well as the online ticket shop with reduced admission tickets can also be found at

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