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‘Yes’ wins ballot beer referendum

The Yes campaign has achieved a triumphant victory among craft beer fans just days before the polls open in the Scottish independence referendum.

The ayes have it: Brewmeister’s Referendum beers, of which the Yes bottle proved the most popular

Scottish brewers Brewmeister sold bottles of Yes and No lager for one week through its website.

A total of 946 bottles were sold between Monday, September 8 September and Sunday, September 14.

The Yes beers took 87% of the sales (785 bottles) with only 161 bottles of No beer being sold 17%.

Sales and marketing manager at Brewmeister, Lewis Shand, said: “I am delighted that so many people participated in our craft beer referendum – proving that beer fans are extremely passionate about the debate on our country’s future.

“The idea behind the ballot beers was that every other cross-section of Scottish society has been polled on the future of the county, one of the biggest decisions facing this generation, so we though beer drinkers should have their say too.

“Clearly, the Yes camp has shown us the most support in this project, having picked up a landslide victory among beer drinkers, and we thank them for that.”

The Yes and No beers were launched at the brewery by supporters of the Yes and No campaigns, who, alongside the brewers, encouraged beer fans to debate the big issues over a pint ahead of the referendum this Thursday.

A Better Together Spokesman said: “We are very confident our campaign will be toasting victory after a No vote on Thursday.”

However, a spokesman for Yes Scotland said: “We’ve always said that we have more bottle than the other side with the positive answers on tap at all times. So we’ll drink to that result.”

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