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Tesco store swaps veg for booze

A Tesco store in Reading, England, emptied aisles it previously reserved for fruit and vegetables — to make room for piles of beer and spirits.

A bit of a change: Stacks of vodka where there was previously fruit and veg (Photo: Twitter)

Images from social media show the fruit and veg sections of the supermarket stocked-up with huge amounts of alcohol ahead of the Reading Festival – one of the biggest music events in the country – which took place over the weekend.

The Reading-West branch of Tesco is conveniently located for the event, being just a 15-minute walk away from the festival entrance where this weekend an estimated 250,000 people passed through to see headliners including Arctic Monkeys and Queens of the Stoneage.

A spokesperson for Tesco, commenting ahead of the rush, told The Daily Star the store estimated that an average of 35,000 people would be served each day over the course of the festival.

He said: “This is the biggest weekend of the year for our Reading West store — bigger than Christmas.

Shelves of Jaegermeister in place of salad, next to which sits its usual party-partner, Red Bull (Photo: Twitter)

“We work really hard to make sure festival goers can get everything they need.

“We’ll continue to stock everything our regular customers need for their normal weekly shop.”

Photos of the shop’s transformation have spread across social media, showing aisles and aisles of festival favourites like Jagermeister, Strongbow cider and Fosters.

6 responses to “Tesco store swaps veg for booze”

  1. Peter Verhaege says:

    yet again supermarkets selling drink irresponsibly an the government do’s nothing at all to stop it !!!! if I did that in the nightclub that I manage , I would have the police licensing officer and head of licensing at the local council bearing down on me with a closure order for selling drink irresponsibly, when is this government going to wake up and smell the coffee???? They allow this to go on unabated , yet the hard working publicans struggling to make ends meet with all the legislation they have to follow to operate . No wonder pubs continue to close at an alarming rate, supermarkets have a great deal to answer for encouraging over indulgence and no way to monitor the cheap booze bought once it has left the check out, coupled with the greedy breweries who supply these people want their cake and eat it . They together are responsible for the people who end up costing our national health service millions of pounds because of health problems caused by over indulgence on cheap drink !!!!!!! Not to mention the cost of anti social behaviour and the cost of policing,

  2. Tesco1 says:

    “We’ll continue to stock everything our regular customers need for their normal weekly shop.”

    But the regular customers avoid the place like the plague during the festival weekend.

  3. mskitt says:

    This is happening at Tesco in ILMINSTER in Somerset , most of the end of isle shelves are being filled with beer and spirits ,
    they will soon change its name to TESCO off licence

  4. Stefan Trbovic says:

    This level of marketing is typical of TESCO. Its all about getting you the customer to part with more cash to support its failing retail strategy. With the huge amount of people moving to the more responsible retailer ALDI, I would assume that its only those under the influence of alcohol that would even consider using TESCO.

  5. Mainlyright says:

    Supermarkets are a business that will respond to Customer demand in order to make a profit. This is what all businesses do. Reading’s branch of Tesco is merely responding to a historically proven demand. It is my bet all the other local supermarkets are doing just the same. By the way I do not shop at Tesco as their quality is too variable.

  6. Nick says:

    How can you moan about alcohol being sold irresponsibly. you go in any supermarket and they will have a couple of aisles of alcohol just because of the sheer number of festival goers in this shop they increased the amount of alcohol so they wouldnt sell out. dont be a bellend a live a little, this tesco made all of our weekend since 1 pint was 4.70 inside reading.

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