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Top 10 beers in the world media

Prearis Quadrupel, Belgium

“Beer-man” Todd Haefer, writing in USA Today, said that he was surprised to come across a beer that he hadn’t heard of when this one sprang up on him at a restaurant.

“Prearis poured a dark brown with a rocky tan head, and had the toffee-caramel notes of a typical quadrupel, in addition to spices such as clove and orange peel,” he said, continuing: “The addition of darker malts, however, added flavours of molasses, plum, raisin and chocolate.”

While the “bitter coffee flavours” might have dampened the experience, Haefer said: “It’s a well-made beer, different to be sure.”

Quadrupel Ale, 10%

Beer Geek Breakfast, Mikkeller, Denmark

“I’m probably classed as a beer hipster by some, so I guess that’s why I enjoy Mikkeller’s beer,” writes York Press beer reviewer, Michael Bates.

This particular brew, Beer Geek Breakfast, is described as being their “flagship coffee stout”, and “it’s fantastic.”

The reviewer, on the pour, aroma and taste, writes: “Pouring unctuous and black with a thin espresso cream head, the immediate rush of aroma is of toasted oak, robust, fruity coffee, redcurrants, and bitter cocoa.”

They continue: “Opening with buttery fudge and vanilla marzipan, creamy coffee leads to a caramelised hazelnut flourish, backed by a grassy bitterness. Mint and lemon tea accents punctuate an assertive hoppy finish, cleaning up the palate after an otherwise sweet affair.”

“This, and it’s relatively light body, make Beer Geek Breakfast surprisingly easy drinking, and much more refreshing than its strength and style might suggest”, he concludes.

Sounds good enough to have over breakfast.

Stout, 7.5%

Mike Hess Anno Quarto, Mike Hess Brewing Company, San Diego, USA

Brandon Hernández, writing in his regular San Diego Reader column, is full of praise for this unique and limited edition brew coming out of California.

He writes: “Fortified with tons of Amarillo, Simcoe, and Nugget hops, it presents huge flavours of peach, apricot, and orange with a hint of cantaloupe in the finish.

“A malt bill containing Munich, Carafoam, and Cara 45 introduce a caramel character that adds depth and stands up to all of the hops,” he continues.

IPA, 10%

Two Jokers Double-Wit, Boulevard Brewing Co, Kansas City, USA

Dallas News beer writer Tina Danze reviewed a “summer seasonal that is an interesting twist on the classic Belgian witbier.”

“In addition to the traditional orange peel and coriander, the beer is spiced with cardamom, lavender and grains of paradise — a spice in the ginger family with a peppery, light lemon flavour,” she details.

“It’s a refreshing, light beer; the alcohol is a stealth player — at 8 percent, it’s high yet barely noticeable”, so perfect for summer drinking on its own or pairing with seasonal dishes like“grilled fish, grilled or roast chicken, salads, salty cheeses and dishes served with fruit chutney or compote.”

Witbier, 8%

Back In Black, 21st Amendment Brewing Company, San Francisco, USA

Bradford Hornsby, writer for American radio station Radio Alice, has reviewed Back In Black, one of the latest year round craft beer offerings from San Francisco’s 21st Amendment Brewing Company.

He writes: “I picked up a six pack of 21st Amendment’s Back In Black frankly for two reasons. First, the name — I have and always will be a fan of AC/DC both with Bon Scott and Brian Johnson. Second, the concept was intriguing — a black pale ale.”

Intriguing indeed, just as the flavour proved, as he continues: “I can only describe the flavour of Back In Black as a cross between a dark porter and a IPA. The beer is light when it hits the taste buds with a malty finish.

“There is a nice balance between what could be two vastly different beer types. Back In Black is both hoppy with citrus flavours while also creamy with malt and coffee under-notes.”

Black Pale Ale, 6.8%

River North White, River North Brewery, Colorado USA

Tasted by the good people at Denver magazine 5280, River North Brewery’s River North White, described as “a simplistic take on a witbier”, snagged a spot in the publication’s latest craft beer roundup.

“The white ale is crisp and flavorful, with high carbonation and a tangy finish,” says writer Jerilyn Forsythe.

She continues: “It reminds me of warm, cloudy days spent on a backyard patio, which is exactly where I enjoyed this ‘RiNo’ creation.

“Ingredient-wise, it is simple, but the lack of bells and whistles allows it to be what it really is: a well-brewed beer.”

Interestingly it was Matt Hess (of the brewery listed at number 8) that designed the River North White can himself, which recently won an award for graphic design in a beer-packaging competition.


India Brown Ale, Dogfish Head, Delaware, USA

Writing on the latest offering from “experimental” brewers Dogfish Head, Matt Miller gives India Brown Ale a strong rating of four out of five in his review for

He writes: “The colour is dark brown with moderate clarity. The head is two fingers thick and off-white. It dissipates at a moderate pace, leaving medium lacing.”

Moving on to the aroma, which “begins with a clear burst of chocolate, dark-roasted, malted grains — unmistakable and of a high quality”, he says: “there is a distinct, mysterious aroma of smoky, charred oak on the nose.

“The flavour palate hits the tongue first with intense, rich, creamy, chocolate malted grains. This is followed by sweet biscuit batter, brownie batter, and toast, yeasty bread.

Then, that mysterious smokiness comes in,” he says.

“After that, the finish is of a high-quality, dark-roasted grain nature.”

Brown Ale, 7.2%

Southern Rye IPA, Susquehanna Brewing Co, Pennsylvania, USA

Edward Sieger writes in The Express-Times about this full-bodied seasonal beer.

He writes: “Southern Rye is a golden yellow with a big frothy head that will leave lacing on the glass.

“You’ll get a slightly hoppy, more malty aroma with maybe a little bit of grapefruit in the nose.”

And pleasingly, “the beer’s full body offers a fair amount of hops, and you’ll get a long lingering aftertaste with a nice bitter note at the back end.”

IPA, 8.6%

Extra Strong Vintage Ale, Coopers, Adelaide, Australia

Chris Shanahan’s beer review for Australian site focuses on the latest Coopers ale, which he says “pours dark amber and cloudy with a good, persistent head.”

“The fruity notes typical of a Coopers ale,” he goes on to say, and these notes “come seasoned with a spicy lift of hops.”

“The luxurious, deep, sweet malt flavours are offset by an intense and delicious, lingering hops bitterness – perhaps the bitterest yet in the series.”

And its that combination of flavours that merits a 5 out of 5 from this particular reviewer.

Ale, 6.4%

Bleddyn 1075 Ale, Celt Experience, Wales

And finally, going back to Matt Miller at, we have a Welsh brew that certainly made an impression, meriting four out of five from this tough critic.

The colour is described as “bright, pale gold”, and the bouquet “begins upon the nose as lovely fruit, including peach, citrus, and even Asian fruits. These fruits are joined by sweet, yeasty malt.
“There is also a nice whiff of sharp, ethyl alcohol to offset the other elements.”

And then for the flavour explosion: “The first flavours to hit the palate are hoppy flowers, some pineapple, some sweet citrus, and some sweet malted grains. This is followed by an intense hoppy bitterness. The hops flavour is strong on grapefruit, with sub-elements of pine, flowers, and grass” he enthuses.

“The flavour is lovely, and exemplifies what an IPA should taste like.

“The finish has a hint of acidity and ethyl alcohol. Though this IPA comes from Wales, it is certainly in line with the American style of IPA.”

IPA, 5.6%

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