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Vandals devastate Brunello cellar

Vandals have destroyed six vintages of Case Basse from top Brunello di Montalcino producer, Gianfranco Soldera.

Case Basse owner, Gianfranco Soldera

According to various reports in the Italian media, barrels containing the 2007 to 2012 vintages – around 600 hectolitres in total – were emptied onto the cellar floor on Sunday night.

Nothing else was stolen or damaged in the attack and no suspects or motives have emerged, although some speculators believe the vandalism may be linked to a criminal organisation.

Located in the south-west part of Montalcino, the 23 hectare Case Basse estate was bought and restored by Soldera, a former insurance broker from Treviso, in 1972.

Today it produces around 10,000 bottles each year, with the 2005 vintage currently selling for around £175 per bottle.

One response to “Vandals devastate Brunello cellar”

  1. Estos bandalos merecen ser juzgados por un hecho criminal. Ahora bien,
    habria que investigar si hay intereses de competencias en este asunto.
    Podria tratarse de perjudicar un productor exitoso con una marca ya bien
    establecida.Independiente a este lamentable incidente, expreso mi simpatia
    por el caldo Brunelo di Montalchino, el cual lo he degustado a plenitud en
    algunas ocasiones memorables.

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