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Suckling hails ’09 Bordeaux “best ever”

Wine writer James Suckling has hailed 2009 Bordeaux as possibly the “best ever modern vintage” with the release of his in-bottle scores.

Writing on his site he said: “It’s seldom that a vintage such as 2009 comes to Bordeaux. The last time may have been 1989, or even 1982”.

Nine wines are now rated at 100 points, down from an original 14. The first growths, with the exception of Mouton Rothschild which is now on 98, all made the grade.

The other 100 pointers are: Ausone, Cos d’Estournel (which has divided opinions among tasters), Lafleur, Montrose and Vieux Château Certan.

Alongside Mouton, a total of 21 wines are rated 98-99 points, while Malescot St Exupery was described as “one of the best values in high-scoring wines in my tasting”.

Robert Parker is expected to release his in-bottle scores for 2009 soon. His talk on the vintage to a packed auditorium in Hong Kong in November last year saw a surge in interest for the “Magical 20” wines he presented.

Cos d’Estournel and Angelus in particular saw greater interest from buyers as Parker showed that there were a number of wines in 2009 that are eminently affordable still and good quality.

3 responses to “Suckling hails ’09 Bordeaux “best ever””

  1. sidd banerji says:

    I am a wine writer from Mumbai,India.Wish to write in your emagazine/internet site on regular basis.Please let me have your direction and advice.
    My recent mission is for wine learning travel at Base,Switzerland and Tuscany,Italy from 5th to 27th March.My articles and reports shall be with photographs.
    My compliments for your brilliant site.Yours in the world of wines.sidd banerji

    1. admin says:

      Hi Sidd! We’ll drop you an email. Thanks for the interest and kind compliments!

  2. Vim says:

    We are only hours away from Parker’s scores – and I too believe he will be matching what JS has said.

    Parker has never hidden that he thinks the 2009 is the best vintage out there – we will know in a few hours. The real question is what will happen to the prices of the wines??

    Vim (www.12× Fine Wine Blog)

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