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Brits spend a month in supermarket queues

The average Brit spends more than one month of their life queuing in supermarkets, according to a new survey.

British shoppers spend 15 minutes a week waiting to pay for their groceries, a poll for has found.

This adds up to 33 full days over the average adult lifespan in the UK.

The survey of 1,671 UK adults also found that 51% think not enough is done to cut queuing times in supermarkets.

Of the 35% surveyed who regularly shop online, 56% cited "not having to queue" as a reason why they choose to do their shopping from home.

“It’s interesting to see that the majority of those polled didn’t think enough was done by supermarkets to combat queuing times,” said Mark Pearson, chairman of

“Although new aspects such as self-service tills have attempted to tackle the problem, many people now feel queues are a good reason to shop for their groceries online," Pearson added.

Lucy Shaw, 07.02.2011

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