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Tens of offers at Virgin Wines

Customer offers based on the theme of the number 10 are starting today to commemorate 10 years of Virgin Wines’ trading.

The celebrations include a series of 10 deals over the course of the next 10 days and will feature free gifts, special deals, new releases and Cristal.

As well as the imminent 10-day festivities, during which time one customer will be rewarded with a free bottle of Cristal each day, Virgin Wines plans on celebrating its double digit birthday over the course of the next 10 months too.

However, details of these birthday-themed products, tasting events and competitions have not yet been made available.

The online retailer’s birthday offers mirror its successful 21 Days of Christmas campaign in 2009, an event which contributed to Virgin recording its best Christmas ever when it achieved sales of £6.3 million.

The retailer is on course to reach £44m of sales during this financial year.

Jane Parkinson, 26.04.2010

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