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db is the leading global online publication for the beer, wine and spirits industry with a global monthly audience of over three-quarters of a million industry professionals and drinks enthusiasts.

Online statistics:

Monthly unique visitors to 828,000
Facebook followers 72,400
Daily newsletter subscribers 38,000
LinkedIn Followers 91,393
Twitter / X followers 84,093
Instagram followers 17,900
YouTube views 1,965,228

* Figures correct as of 19/07/2024. Visitor and newsletter statistics are taken directly from those reported by their publishers. Social media and video statistics were reported by Twitter, Facebook and YouTube.

Digital marketing opportunities include:

  • Google DoubleClick banner delivery technology provides rich media support, full analytics and targeting capability.
  • Daily e-newsletter sent to over 38,000 subscribers every week day with industry-leading open and click rates
  • Weekly targeted Fine Wine, US and Asia e-newsletters with over 35,000 subscribers
  • Campaigns can be targeted by country, region or city and by industry sector
  • Sponsored portals which offer your own site on with editorial, images, video interviews and lead generation forms
  • In-house development and design team can create bespoke banners, landing pages, lead capture forms and e-commerce systems
  • Targeted email campaigns by sector, job title and location
  • Sponsorship by category (e.g. Champagne, Fine Wine, Design & Packaging)
  • Events listings

Contact us

To discuss your specific requirements please call:
on +44 (0)20 7803 2420 or email at


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