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Heineken works with NGOs to build sustainable food sources

Heineken has partnered with seven non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and community partners in Malaysia to help with long-term food security.

The NGOs and community partners collaborating with the Heineken Cares 2022 programme include: The Lost Food Project, EPIC and PWD Smart Farmability as well as SIROM, Hopes Malaysia, Hope Place Kuching and Kupikupifm. The goal is for the organisations to work together to assist in supporting people with farming and water systems as well as making sure those in need never go hungry.

Roland Bala, managing director, Heineken Malaysia said: “At the height of the pandemic, we saw how vulnerable communities were in need of food aid. Responding to the call for help, we launched Heineken Cares in 2021, a social impact programme to connect our employees’ well-being at work with a purpose to support local communities, giving them the opportunity to participate in meaningful CSR initiatives.”

Renuka Indrarajah, corporate affairs and legal director, Heineken Malaysia added: By joining forces with Heineken Cares, our NGOs and community partners will be working on projects such as setting up small-scale community farms and satellite aquaponic systems, establishing and leveraging on existing alternative water systems to support these community farms, as well as distributing food provisions to those in need.”

As part of its commitment, Heineken has also pledged to deliver over 600,000 meals to empower local communities across Malaysia to start and maintain sustainable food sources in a bid to assist and support those in need.

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