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Bartenders share the unwritten rules they’re sick of people breaking

What is considered a faux pas when you’re interacting with your bartender during a night out? You’re about to find out…

In a post on Reddit’s ‘Ask Reddit’ forum, one user asked their fellow bartenders, “what are the unspoken rules that the Covid generation need to learn again?”

Here are some of the best responses.

1. “Have your order ready when I get to you, don’t start asking people what they want? It just takes up unnecessary time that I don’t have.” – r/SnowmanINC

2. “Anyone that says “I’m going to take care of you”” – r/isthistakentoo9903

3. If I ask for your ID, don’t get upset about it … especially if you are three months past turning 21″ – r/JediRush

4. “”Ummm what beers do you have”. Look at the taps. I’m making a cocktail rn and I need to focus on what else this guy is ordering.” – r/Suddenly_Anxious17

5. “The bartender is a human being. Not a machine. Give us a few seconds. Maybe they are thinking if they can run for ice or something. You will be seen to.”

6. “People that are willing to fight to the death to get one of the 8 drinks they had taken off of their tab. Ashley… I’m sober. You had them all.”

7. “Chain ordering is a sin. Like when they say, ‘Can I get a____? Wait, I also need a ___. And a ____. Sorry!” – r/skyphoenyx

So, are you guilty of breaking any of these “unspoken rules” – and do you agree that they deserve their place on the list? Let us know!

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