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Tesco steps up with *finest wine bar

UK supermarket Tesco has stepped up its comms with its sleek new pop-up shop that opened yesterday in the heart of London’s Soho.

The large pop-up is housed in a contemporary art gallery – Unit London – and it retains the sleek modern approach, and contemporary feel, with several large canvases adorning the walls, indispersed with wine-related prints, and a series of chalkboards featuring wines by taste profiles in its signature black, (although this was highly reminiscent of an approach Morrison’s took at a tasting a few years ago), as well as a light installation of its *finest logo.


A long bar has been installed, displaying the *finest range, and although all 70 of the wines are available to taste, the retailer is highlighting around 48 wines out of its wider range that are representative of the style or region, and therefore likely to prompt consumers to try something different. It is also offering a selection of “discovery wine flights” to help visitors discover new varieties.


The pop-up, which has been in planning since December, was the “perfect way” to showcase the range and demonstrate the high quality of its award-winning wines directly to the public, Tesco said, and it is keep to encourage people to step outside their comfort zone.

“We’re ready to shout about them now,” a spokesman told db, adding that the oop-up has been in planning since December.

The pop-up, which is located on 147 Wardour Street in Soho, will run from 2 -13 August.

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