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Teen goes for a night out in Oldham and wakes up in Paris

Luke Harding has become an internet sensation after he went out for a night out with his friends in Oldham, but ended up catching a plane to Paris and woke up in Charles de Gaulle airport.

Harding tweeted several pictures of himself in the process of catching his plane to Paris and then standing close to the Eiffel Tower and Arc de Triomphe.

Speaking to Academy FM on Tuesday morning, Harding explained that the impulse to head out came while he was heading home in a taxi, after a few too many pints on what had started as an “ordinary night out”.

Harding said: “I went out after work with one of my mates and one thing led to another and we decided we were going to go out. So we rang all our mates and went round to one house and had a few drinks, so it was just a normal night. Then we went to a club and it was nothing out of the ordinary.

“About 2.30-3am and me and my friend were getting a bit bored so we just thought we’d head off and get in a taxi home. Then in the taxi I had to go to my mate’s house and pick up my coat that I’d left there earlier on, and by the time I got out of his house I was absolutely plastered.

“So I got back in the taxi and I’ve got this app on my phone that shows flights and stuff and there was a notification saying cheap flight to Paris, so I just thought, ‘I fancy seeing the Eiffel Tower’, I don’t know why, I just fancied seeing it. So I said to the driver take to terminal three at Manchester airport and I booked the flight in the car.

“Then I got to the airport and acted as sober as possible, I didn’t want to say much and I just thought there’s no way they are going to let me on this flight. So the woman said to me ‘have you got any luggage?’ and I just said ‘no’ and she said ‘you’re travelling light’, I said ‘yes’ and I just walked off.

“This happened on Saturday night and I woke up Sunday morning in the toilet at Charles de Gaulle airport.

“So I rang my mum and said ‘don’t panic mum but can you pick me up at the airport at 8pm tonight’ she said ‘where are you’ so I told her I’m just in Paris, she wasn’t very happy and she doesn’t want to know me now.”

Harding’s story and Twitter photos have now gone viral and his Twitter following has now shot up to more than 3,000, and he has been flooded with messages from Twitter users, amused by his drunken exploits.

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