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Frapin pursues US and China focus

The CEO of Cognac Frapin has explained to the drinks business that the brand is making “real progress” in the US, particularly with the higher end of its product range.

Jean-Pierre Cointreau told db: “Frapin is making real inroads into the US, with a very steady increase in the premium qualities, such as Fontpinot, VIP XO and Extra.

“The Cuvée 1888 is becoming one of the absolute high end prestige collector items,” he reported. “Long-aged Frapin Cognacs are dedicated to the connoisseurs’ choice are developing fast in white table cloth restaurants.”

And while progress is being made in the US, Cointreau pointed out that Frapin will also focus on China. He confirmed: “The Chinese markets – Mainland China, Hong Kong, Macau – are becoming a main focus for the brand.”

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