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Children found with alcohol on streets

An undercover police operation in the north-east of England found children as young as 12 with alcohol on the streets.

The police operation was originally set up to target shops selling fireworks to people under the age of 18, but found the youngsters with alcohol on the streets of Gateshead.

Two boys, aged 12 and 14, were questioned by police after they were found in possession of two bottles of Lambrini.

According to the Newcastle Chronicle, who had a journalist with the police during the undercover operation, the two boys told officers that they had asked a member of the public to buy them the wine.

A spokesperson for Gateshead Council told the Chronicle: “It is a little ironic that, while we were carrying out a test purchase for the underage sale of fireworks, we ended up spotting an underage alcohol issue.

“We witnessed 12 and 14-year-old children with alcohol that had been bought for them by an adult.

“Buying alcohol for children is not only illegal but can be dangerous, young people consuming alcohol are far more likely to get into trouble, be involved in anti-social behaviour or put themselves at risk.

“The maximum fine for these ‘proxy’ sales is £5,000.

“There are strong links between the availability of alcohol and youth anti-social behaviour. We will always respond to any incident where young people have been found with alcohol.”


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