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Vietnamese village selling snake wine online

A village in Vietnam is producing snake wine and successfully shipping it worldwide. uses venomous cobra snakes and scorpions to make the transparent rice wine in a “snake village” in Vietnam.

Luckily for its intrepid imbibers, the deadly poison in the snakes and scorpions dissolves in the wine. The website assures its customers that the animals are no longer dangerous, as their venom is protein-based and therefore “inactivated by the denaturing effects of ethanol”.

Herbs are added in with the creatures before the wine is left to ferment for several months.

The site is keen to point out that the drink is not merely a novelty gift, but also has numerous health benefits, which include treating back pain, rheumatism, lumbago and other health conditions. The rice liquors are also considered to be a strong natural aphrodisiac.

Laura Pullman, 20.01.2011

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