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Calls for Scottish government to reconsider retail levy

The Scottish government should reconsider its proposed levy on large retailers, according to the Scottish Retail Consortium.

In its report on the Scottish government’s draft budget, the Scottish Parliament’s Finance Committee questioned the government’s claim that the levy will support town centre retailing.

The Scottish Retail Consortium (SRC) is calling on finance secretary John Swinney to drop the planned levy.

“There is a key contradiction at the heart of Swinney’s proposal. He talks of support for economic growth, but proposes financial penalties for success”, said SRC director Fiona Moriarty.

“This tax would hit large retailers of all types, including those in Scotland’s town and city centres. Going ahead with this levy will result in fewer large retail stores opening in the future, and fewer existing stores being expanded.

“The government has been unable to explain its reasoning behind the tax. It targets one particular section of one particular industry – an industry which will be key in driving investment and job creation in the coming years. It is unfair, unjust and inequitable”, Moriarty added.

Lucy Shaw, 24.01.2011

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