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England star Gerrard relaunches restaurant

Hotelier and restaurateur, Paul Adams, has teamed up with football star Steven Gerrard to re-launch the Warehouse Brasserie in Southport, Merseyside.

The new venue will be called the Warehouse Kitchen & Bar and is set to re-open at the end of April. The Liverpool and England player has claimed it is his favourite restaurant in numerous interviews.

The design has apparently been influenced by “hipster bars”, which are popular in New York City’s Tribeca area and typically feature retro art and style as well as indie or alternative music.

Adams, owner of the Vincent Hotel in Southport, was quick to point out that it was in no way a “celebrity” restaurant, amd continued, “Steven is simply one of the owners and, like me, he shares a passion for great food and great design. If you don’t get those right then nobody will come back, no matter who owns it and I’m confident we have come up with a winning formula,” he said.

“Our plan is to firstly launch the Warehouse Kitchen & Bar, in Southport, and then look at expanding, to areas such as Liverpool, Chester and south Manchester.”

Gerrard said: “I’ve been eating there for years because I love the food and the atmosphere, so it’s genuinely exciting to become its co-owner with Paul.

“This is my first venture in the restaurant trade but I think it’s important to also say that my priorities are, and always will be, on the football pitch.”

Rupert Millar, 13.04.10

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