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New VDP members announced

2010 has seen an expansion to the membership of the Verband Deutscher Prädikatsweingüter, the German association of premium wine producers.

The VDP has extended to both the south and the east of the country, thanks to the introduction of three new members, taking its membership total to 196.

To the south of the country, two producers in Baden have been included; Thomas Seeger in Leimen and Konrad Schlör in Reicholzheim. In the east, Klaus Zimmerling in the Dresden suburb of Pillnitz has also joined the VDP.

This year witnesses the 100th anniversary of the creation of the VDP. In the last twenty years a number of producers have both been introduced to, and left, the association. Since 1990, 73 producers have left the VDP while 108 have been accepted.

VDP president Steffen Christmann said: “Thanks to the rigorous policy of high quality pursued in the past 20 years, the VDP brand is now stronger than ever."

Jane Parkinson, 07.01.10

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