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Britvic emphasises healthy credentials

The latest advertising campaign to drive leading kid’s drink brand Robinsons Fruit Shoot is focused on promoting the fact that the product contains no artificial flavours or colourings. The move reflects the growing trend towards healthy choices, which is explored in depth in the next issue of the drinks business.

Dominated by a single piece of fruit, the print ads feature the strapline ‘You can say yes to Fruit Shoot because we’ve said no to colours and flavourings’. It is being given heavy exposure in women’s magazines until the end of January, a strategy that is estimated will reach 73% of housewives with children.

Explaining the strategy, Robinsons brand director Jonathan Gatward comments, “Robinsons Fruit Shoot is a brand that is loved by kids and trusted by mums and it is important that with the consumer trends towards ‘better-for-you’ products, mums feel confident about what drinks they give their kids.

This new campaign will reassure consumers that they’re making the best choices for their kids. The strategy will stand the Britvic brand in good stead following this week’s government decision regarding advertising food and drink products to children.

© db 22nd November 2006

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