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Aged solera rum rips off consumers

The consumer is being ripped off when it comes to aged dated solera rums according to one of the industry’s top masterblenders. Joy Spence, masterblender at Jamaica’s premium rum producers Appleton Estates commented, "There is a discrepancy between the minimum aged rums that we produce and the Solera aged rums from other producing countries."

"This means that the consumer is not getting true value when purchasing solera aged products." Spence continued, "Age dating here means that a rum with a 12 year old age statement on the label contains rums with a minimum age of 12 years however for those aged in solera the age is an average not a minimum." This means that although the label of a solera aged rum might state an age of 12 years the reality is that the blend can contain much younger rums.

The award winning masterblender does not see this issue being resolved quickly given the differing legal requirements governing production in Carribean as opposed to South American producing countries.

© db 15th November 2006

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